Tuesday, November 26, 2013

                                   Chapter 2 Journal Entry 
My favorite line in chapter two is, " But you don't even have my phone number," he said. " I strongly suspect you wrote it in the book." He broke out into a goofy smile . " And you say we don't know each other." This is my favorite line because it shows how they are made for each other. It also shows how strong their click is.
I can relate to this line because my niece makes me feel like that. She knows a lot about me and sometimes we finish each others sentences. Its almost like she's my other half. It does make you feel like some one understands who you are and accepts you even though you are different.
The theme of this line, to me, is friendship. I say this because it shows they are trying to get to know each other and become friends. I really like the vibe I get from this book because it sends a positive message.
If I were Hazel I would've been blushing. I would also not be hard to get because I'm sick so I would just chill. I would actually welcome him more because he knows what it's like to be in my position. It's always nice to have a friend you can relate to because they know how you feel. I predict that they are going to get closer and closer.
I'm so glad that she found Augustus Waters because he can show her how to live again. For me my niece does because she can turn my world happy again, so yeah I can Relate to Hazel and Augustus .